28 de oct de 2020

Supersensible Perception of Nature in Lanzarote

with Frank and Inessa Burdich

Seminar in English: from November 8 to November 13, 2020 (PDF - Flyer English)
Seminar in German: from November 1 to November 6, 2020 (PDF - Flyer German)

Program in English:

On demand a trip can be made to observe supersensible remarkable places on the Island..

Sunday 8th November
Supersensible Perception and its Preliminary Stages

The capacity for supersensible perception can be attained through an individual, personal path of development. At any point in time you are much closer to supersensible perception than you may think.
Possibilities for attaining access to perception of the supersensible are presented in the lecture, and connections with current spiritual research are made. Questions from the audience arising from the lecture can be addressed in depth in a question and answer session.

Monday 9th November to Friday 13th November 10:30 - 13:30h
Workshop with Frank and Inessa Burdich
A practice-based workshop for the development of etheric and astral perception.
Although everyone more or less has the ability to perceive etheric and astral forces, most people are not aware of this ability. This workshop will provide the opportunity for participants to broaden and deepen their capacities.
The workshop will take place mainly in nature and will focus on practical exercises that can lead to the perception of supersensible forces and beings.
The workshop is suitable for people with no previous as well for people who have some experience but are hesitant about their capacities and would like to develop them further.

Tuesday 10th November
Working Together With Elemental Beings; Atlantis-Lanzarote-Today

Reading about elemental beings can leave an abstract impression at first. This lecture imparts a basic understanding of this field and presents possibilities for the perception of these beings. Using current examples from supersensible research, possibilities for working together with these beings, and thus for mutual, conscious development, are shown. Specifically considered is the development of the elemental beings on Lanzarote from the Atlantis-Time up to today.

Thursday 12th November
Cancer and Cancer Treatment Out of a Supersensible View

Out of the angle of concrete supersensible research the signature of cancer is explained as well as possible reasons for its appearance because of biographical incidents. With a focus on mistletoe-therapy possible ways of therapy are explained.

Monday 9th November to Thursday 13th November 2019
Private Consultations